Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 29 - October 6, 2008


Sorry for the delay in my blog. Things have been crazy lately. I've been working on building a couple of websites and it is taking all of my free time. I work my regular job during the day and I build websites at night.

Last week the family came down with some kind of funk that my daughter brought home from daycare. I'm still trying to shake that off. The worse part about it is that while I'm sick, I eat without worrying about my diet. I weighed in this morning at 289 LBS. Back where I started.

I missed two workouts since I've been sick. I'm thinking about trying a weightloss supplement. I dropped 40 LBS in two months when I was 23 using Xenedryne and playing basketball 4 times a week. It is either going to be Xenedryne or Hydroxycut.

Well hopefully I can get back on the wagon and get this weight off of me.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should be using supplements. Even though you may not lose 40 in two months you can still lose a good amount the right way without the supplements.