Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 8 - September 15, 2008


Today I weighed in at 285 LBS! That is 4 LBS lost from last week! That's pretty good.

Today, it was hard getting up. I think that the sleeping in on the weekend took affect on me. I felt like I couldn't do it. The good thing is I forced myself.

First I weighed in. That gave my some motivation. Then I stretched and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes burning 310 calories. I found out that if you jog for 1 minute you can burn ten more calories than if you were just walking. I'm also trying to build up my lung strength.

Afterwards I jumped on the weights and did my normal workout of chest, shoulders, and triceps. I am going to add legs in once I get down to around 250 LBS. Right now my legs are too big to use the machine.

I made our usual breakfast this morning. Nothing fancy, nothing special. I had two glasses of tea. Some people drink coffee, I drink tea.

At work I had my normal Diet Coke.

For lunch I had tuna over a bed of greens with Ranch, cheese, pickles, and bacos. Or you can say I had my normal salad.

Today I had my 100 calorie yogurt at 2:00. They had a flavor called Boston Cream Pie. I could not wait to try it. It was fantastis. It had a pancakey - syrupy flavor to it. It felt like I was cheating but I wasn't. I guess that helped alot.

Today for dinner we ate at my mother's house. She made a roast. She knows that I am on my diet so she only made stuff that I can eat. Except for the mac-n-cheese which I stayed away from.

So I had roast and cabbage, broccolli, and corn on the cob. Yes, I had corn on the cob yesterday but I can eat that stuff all day everyday. It was great and mom if you're reading this, thanks.

So here I am now, typing and feeling pretty good about myself. I'm going to go and hold my daughter till she goes to sleep and hope that tomorrow is another productive day.

Thanks for reading.

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